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Starting Swampy Biome Size

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It seems like the new starting swamp biome has been shrunken down in the latest release. in the past few seeds I've viewed I'm seeing about a 40x50 tile space which is pretty tiny.

I would have killed to have an AETN that close to me base in the base game.  In the DLC I get that and also get most of the POIs in my base as well.

On the downside the available found food (swamp chard) and bog bucket seeds (six in the case) is significantly less as well. Dirt as well.

You need to get that mud processing and farms up and running quickly and not take on too many dupes too quickly as I did.  Nothing like getting starvation warnings for 20 cycles as my force-work mush bar operation using -60 C dirt from the surface gets implemented as a stop gap measure.




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