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change worldgen for planetoids

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I'm not sure how difficult this would be to set up, would probably be more of an issue for computer beefiness than actually coding, but since all the planetoids are contained in a single map anyways, I figure it wouldn't be too much of a stretch considering the current setup is a little scuffed and has been causing numerous minor bugs.

My idea is to have all the planetoids spread out on the map in a position relative to their position in the starmap. Locking the cameras to each planetoid would prevent building too far outside the edge of each planetoid, so the empty space between them theoretically wouldn't put too much strain on the player's computer. The current system often leaves the game confused about what objects are where, and often alerts that rockets are entombed if they are built in an area that the game can't identify the location of. Spreading the planetoids out  world-gen wise would prevent this kind of confusion for both the game and the player.

another suggestion would be to find a way to rescue stranded rockets by piloting another rocket to intercept the stranded one, though I'm not sure exactly how this would be implemented.

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