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Ideas about germs, diseases and new elements

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There could be a lot of new mechanics involving germs, diseases and new elements.

There could be some nitrogen containing gases, like ammonia and nitrogen oxides. There are some bacteria that can convert ammonia to nitrite and nitrate. So there could be germs that convert ammonia into fertilizer or something like that. It would be really nice to have mechanics where some germs are useful. For example, some animal (like a gassy moo) could produce milk (a new kind of liquid), which could be turn into cheese by specific germs.

Speaking more about germs, I believe that the diseases mechanics have a great potential and could create a major challenge for players, with different kinds of diseases that require the most unusual ways to be cured. It would be very interesting if X-ray and computerized tomography machines were added to help duplicants discover their diseases to become able to fight then. These machines could also involve the new radiation system. Magnetic resonance imaging does not produce ionizing radiation but requires liquid helium for cooling, which could be produced by nuclear fusion.

A lot of new elements and substances could be added to fight diseases. Iodine and bromine would be a really nice touch, iodine could even be necessary as a contrast in exams. There could be an animal with 3 morphs, each one beeing able to convert two kinds of halogen (chlorine, bromine or iodine) into the other. As I talked about nitrogen oxides, nitrous oxide could be used for anesthesia in some procedures for curing specific diseases, and others could be useful to produce acids and other stuff, as other players have already suggested, as well as sulphur oxides.

Beyond that, there is one element for which I have a tremendous love and its mercury. It is a liquid metal at room temperature (gallium also is if you live in hot places like I do kk), it is too cool to only be in debug mode. In the past mercury was believed to have healing properties and I think it would be something nice to add to the game, even if that is not true. Also, there could be a mechanic where liquid metals (and maybe salt water and molten salt) were able to conduct electricity. If you put two wires touching different parts of a mercury reservoir they could be considered as connected. It would be really nice if some different kinds of wire that resist to more watts were added (what I believe is intended since one of the transformers has an exit of 4 kW and not 2 kW). These wires could required expensive materials, which would incentive players to use mercury as a conductor. Mercury also would be a really good liquid thermal conductor. And finally, there could be one aquatic creature that lives only in mercury, just because it would be really cool :). Got this last idea from the Mirrodin plane of Magic The Gathering, where oceans are made of a metal similar to mercury.

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Nice ideas!

When we think about germs we always say "germs should be lethal" "slimelung is now too easy" "my hospitals are empty and useles". I never thought that there are good germs too! I love your idea of cheese creation, and I'm sure that KLEI could think of some other symbiotic germs as well.

I don't think there is a need for new cures, but room-temperature liquid metals sound fun :) 

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