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Rocketry is confusing, sugar engine appears abnormally weak

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After some poking around and a dive into the code, I've managed to get a grasp on how rockets work.

First off, there really should be an explanation of what the numbers mean. It took a while for me to piece together that [power]/[burden]=[speed] (and a look at the code to verify it) even though I expected that fraction to crop up. Instead of listing range cost per kg, it should just directly factor in the hard-coded value of 600 and state the fuel cost per range (replace [fuelEfficiency] with 600/[fuelEfficiency]). This would be substantially clearer.

Second, it was not apparent that the sugar engine required an oxidizer to function, in hindsight it should have been but perhaps there should be a message stating there is no oxidizer tank on the rocket if you're using an engine that needs one.

Third, you cannot swap out engines, since the engine module already exists, even though you're swapping it out. Not a problem with any other module.

Fourth, the sugar engine appears weak to the point of it being suspicious. When fully fuelled - with just the engine, an oxidizer tank, and a command nosecone; the minimum possible - it has a range of 2 tiles. This range appears to be unaffected by burden, so maybe it actually is intended and there will be either solid fuel tanks for more sugar or boosters to push it out more.

Finally, the CO2 engine has a substantially better range based on the numbers shown that I now understand, which seems odd considering it is an easier resource to collect. I would expect the sugar engine to be more powerful than the CO2 engine because of the fact it's hard to get, effectively requiring sulphur.

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