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How do you make a custom Core Argument?


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It's late and I'm tired but here's my best attempt at explaining:

Arguments, bounties, inceptions, and cores are all types of Modifiers. You can add a modifier in the negotiation_data of a CharacterDef or in a local Modifiers container in your own lua content files, so long the file the modifier is in is required/loaded before your character-defining file in the modinit OnLoad order.

Here's an example of creating a Core Argument in my WIP playable Arint mod's negotiation_cards file:

local negotiation_defs = require "negotiation/negotiation_defs"
local CARD_FLAGS = negotiation_defs.CARD_FLAGS
local EVENT = negotiation_defs.EVENT

		name = "Well Connected",
		desc = "Your opponent's arguments come into play with 1 less resolve.",
		modifier_type = MODIFIER_TYPE.CORE,
		icon = "negotiation/modifiers/arint_weakness.tex",
		event_handlers = 
			[ EVENT.MODIFIER_ADDED ] = function ( self, modifier, source )
				if modifier.negotiator == self.anti_negotiator
				and modifier.max_resolve ~= nil
				and modifier.modifier_type == MODIFIER_TYPE.ARGUMENT then
					modifier:ModifyResolve(-1, self)

for i, id, def in sorted_pairs( MODIFIERS ) do
    Content.AddNegotiationModifier( id, def )

Then in my file with my CharacterDef, there's this block:

negotiation_data =
	behaviour =
            OnInit = function( self, difficulty )
                self.negotiator:AddModifier( "PC_ARINT_CORE" )

Thus, my custom negotiator loads in with a custom Core Argument. Hope that's enough of an example to point you in the right direction.

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