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Optimal Hot Steam Vent Tamer

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This is my take on the (hot) steam vent tamer.  I call it optimal because it never wastes heat or power.  Meaning that it 1) never runs the steam turbines unless your grid needs power,  2) the steam turbines are never run with steam above 200C and 3) the vent is never over-pressurized.  I don't think I've seen any builds that have all 3 of these properties.



The design makes use of a few "advanced" concepts, but is entirely pre-space materials. 

The best way to describe is probably by tracing the path of water through the machine.  When the steam is emitted from the vent it is quickly sucked up by the first bypass pump.  An un-powered door pump then moves it into the 4x4 storage chamber.  The bypass pump is necessary to remove steam from the vent chamber fast enough to prevent over-pressurization.  The door pump is needed because during long periods of over production steam pressure can easily go above 1000kg/tile and block the liquid vent.

From the "storage" chamber the steam passes through 3 pressure sensor controlled mechanized airlocks.  All 3 are set to open if the pressure is below 20kg.  These are act as a pressure regulator and prevent high pressure 500C steam from being pumped into the turbine steam chamber and raising its temperature above 200C.

The steam is then pumped into the steam turbine chamber by a second bypass pump which is controlled by a temperature sensor.  Whenever the temp goes below 180C hot steam is injected.

The 95C exhaust water from the turbines passes by a pressure sensor controlled liquid vent.  If the pressure in the chamber is below 20kg the water is emitted cooling the chamber.  If the steam pressure is already at max (since we're injecting steam from the steam vent) the liquid vent is disabled and the exhaust water leaves the tamer.






Plumbing Overlay:




Power Overlay:




One other nice thing about this design is that it's entirely accessible.  If the mechanized doors are opened, a dupe can enter though the steam vent chamber (which is in near vacuum unless it's actively erupting) and access the entire internal space.  The bypass pumps double as liquid locks :)

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