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Remove a recipe?

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I almost got it to work!!  I'm really close.  I added this to my modmain.lua:  Recipe("blueamulet",{ Ingredient("goldnugget", 3), Ingredient("bluegem", 1) }, RECIPETABS.SURVIVAL, TECH.SCIENCE_ONE, "ice_den_placer", "furryeskimo")  --Test code.

Of note was that the recipe no longer appears in the magic tab for this character (or so I've tested so far) and I still gain sanity from building the item, even though I did not use the code 'AddRecipe'.

The game crashed when I tried to build the amulet, but not when I spawned one in.  The one I had in my inventory before I made the change (a default blue amulet) vanished.


Edit:  I edited the code and so far, mostly good!  It now looks like this:  Recipe("blueamulet",{ Ingredient("goldnugget", 3), Ingredient("bluegem", 1) }, RECIPETABS.SURVIVAL, TECH.SCIENCE_ONE, nil, nil, nil, nil, "furryeskimo")  --Test code.

It works how I want for the modded character, but it makes the item uncraftable for everyone else..

Edited by FurryEskimo
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Edit:  Apparently making multiple recipes for a single item isn't really a thing (according to a post from six years ago).  What that person was recommended was creating a stand in item, so I'm making a near duplicate item that will function the same, but will actually be an entirely new item.

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