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Dedicated Server Lag vs Smoothness

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Hello everyone,

I've setup and intensely tested the "dedicated servers" of DST, and one thing that is common among any and all dedicated servers is--lag. It doesn't matter how many prefabs you have, how good your PC is, or how expertly crafted a virtual game server is, the lag still persists. Tickrate? Meaningless. Have 30 mods or 0 mods? Doesn't matter. Lag persists through it all. You can notice the lag, even when you are the only one in your server. Get a few of your friends to log in, and the lag increases by orders of magnitude. 

Contrary to dedicated servers, client-hosted servers (initiated through the "Host Games" tab in your client) run very smoothly. I've tested IDENTICAL settings/worldgen/mods on both client-hosted and dedicated servers, and the dedicated servers are TREMENDOUSLY more laggy. 

I apologize if this sounds like a rant, but I really do only have one question: Why are dedicated servers subject to such an immense increase in lag versus client-hosted servers with identical configurations?

Thank you for your time and support.

edit: my PC is an i7-8700k @5.0ghz with 32gb of ram.
I have also tried hosting using Nodecraft, with exactly the same results.

edit2: Well, after posting this I'm starting to doubt myself, so take everything with a grain of salt, I guess.

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9 hours ago, Doc Arc said:

Why are dedicated servers subject to such an immense increase in lag versus client-hosted servers with identical configurations?

In my xp it's the exact opposite, apart from the host, since the host is not connected to a server but playing on a local world.


That said, when you are playing on a server you will always have some lag/latency, simply due to the fact that every action that you do has to be sent from your client over the network to the server, has to be processed there and then the reaction from the server has to be sent back to your client to be displayed there, whereas a local hosted server simply allows you to play directly on your local world.

The only thing you can do is keeping the lag to a minimum by getting a server as close to your location as possible, and getting a server that is physicially able to handle your requirements. (Amount of players, mods, world size, etc.) Keep in mind that there's always a minor amount of lag due to physical limitations, which you can't just overcome by magicially deleting lag.

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