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[Question] Trouble with Seed spawn on Biomes

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So again hello everyone. Its been a while since I'm working on Dupes Cuisine Mod, which is available on Steam here. I'm updating this mod, and introducing a new crop and recipes. However I'm facing a trouble while trying to force the seeds of these news crops in the vanilla biome. The code I'm using to archive this is as follows:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Harmony;
using ProcGen;

namespace Dupes_Cuisine
    public class Plant_Subworld_Patch

        public List<string> tags { get; private set; }

        [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SettingsCache), "LoadFiles")]
        public static class KakawaSeed_Patch

            internal static void Postfix()
                foreach (WeightedBiome weightedBiome in SettingsCache.subworlds["subworlds/forest/ForestStart"].biomes)

                Debug.Log(string.Join(",", SettingsCache.mobs.MobLookupTable.Keys.ToArray<string>()));

If I place any vanilla game seeds ids on this, it works perfectly. The seeds will spawn on the selected biome, alright. However, if I use any of my mod's seeds ids, it don't work. I'm no expert in C#, and I'm still learning a lot on how to properly code for ONI. With this said, I just want tips on how to archive this with my seeds ids. Anyone could point me the right direction on how to solve this?

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