Any plans for a mobile port?

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I'm a Klei fan, but find myself playing the game pretty much exclusively over Steam Link on Android. It works perfectly as a mobile game - short play sessions, minimal input, tons of replayability... but I can't take it with me on the go of course; since it'll eat up my data in no time.

Any possibility of a mobile port happening when the game's out of early access? It's already priced in line with other premium mobile titles, and I'm sure the dev and support effort isn't trivial... but I'd love to keep supporting you guys as a long-time fan of your games.

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I've been thinking about this too and I totally agree! I think this game would lend itself really well to mobile (assuming the optimizing and such for a mobile port isn't a complete nightmare for the devs lol). I've also played on my phone very frequently either through Steam Link or even just remotely accessing my desktop lmao (thank god for the UI scaling options on the tiny screen though -- someone please tell the UI designers how much I love them)
Even if a mobile build for Android/iOS isn't possible till way later (if at all), maybe a Switch port will come sooner than that, who knows?

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