Feedback: Recent changes or bugs?

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With the latest update come into effect i noticed a couple changes ctrl f searching through the posts came up with no mention in the latest patch, so unsure if they was unmentioned or some other form of bug.

The loyalty mutator no longer seems to be in effect, hired character leave at the end of the night making the mutator effect redudent.

Admiralty social boon's and bane's seemed to have swapped round with the patrol leader and guard characters, now taking each others buffs and debuffs, the effects made more sense with the orrgional set up, i assume this is intentional but couldnt find much mention on the change.

Guess anyone else noticed these changes or others which wernt notified?

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Regarding the admiralty boon/bane switch, I imagine that it's an intentional balance change. The Sparring boon is probably one of the strongest boons and it's a lot easier to find and get a guard to love you than a patrol leader. It may make a little less sense thematically, but it still seems fine.

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