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So this is more of a "thank you for adding this" kinda post and to explain a quite enjoyable way i found to casually play on larger more organized servers (aka non public ones)

But with the edition of bottles that have been added to DST. They give a way for people who sail to have a sort of currency. Where it isnt used for any "crafting" other than basically buying things from the crabby hermit. and they are slightly difficult to obtain, unlike gold which you can easily get 10 chests full with one ruins rush (overexaggeration).
But because of this, i recently found enjoyment in creating little fishing communities on large servers I play on, where multiple people have their own boats and all go sailing in search of fish and treasures. Because of this, we are able to use the bottles we get to sell and trade lures and other items with other sailors. And even to the point where some even set up boat shops made specifically to sell their goods to other sailors.

And Im honestly just very happy that klei added something like this so we could create this subculture of sailors that have their own economy and their own way of living. And that klei doesnt really do anything to ruin the bottle economy. which it doesnt seem like they will, but just for example, not to make them craftable with any easily obtained items or craftable at all.

I hope I can spread this idea of making boat communities and using bottles to trade with others so that it can become a more common occurrence! 

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