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Change image size of backpack pieces?

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I had a character mod I was working on a long time ago and had run into a problem with the character wearing a cape and no good method to add it to the character sprites themselves. After giving up for a while I figured I'd give it a shot again, but add the cape as an equip instead. Using the backpack as a base in theory would work near perfectly, however I ran into a new issue.

Bit of a disclaimer, the TEX file I'm using I grabbed from another mod for the time being to test things. Also I'm very inexperienced with making mods for DST so sorry if I'm missing something obvious.

Here I'm using the straps part of the backpack as the front of the cape that drapes over the shoulders, the issue is that I can't have this piece nearly big enough to extend beyond the arms as in the concept below.



With the current TEX file I only have the area marked in red to work with but I need a wider space to achieve what I'm going for here (at the size i need it it gets cut off):


Example of what I mean (its offset a bit but as you can see if I made it bigger it would get cut off):


Is there any way I can expand the boundaries/size of the parts or am I kinda stuck? 

Edited by bluecube
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Alright so I attempted to edit the dimensions of the png for one of the parts and then just edit the scml to reflect the new size and adjusted the pivots, but editing just one of the pieces in the scml messed up the whole thing making most of the parts disappear and shift around.  Either I did it horribly wrong or this might not be possible with a backpack/armor? :T


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I was going to suggest also editing the png files and changing the canvas size to make it bigger. I wouldn't mess with the animations and especially the pivots because the player has so many animations and the backpack must also have been animated for all those animations. So if you made changes to some of those it would then need changing for all to look right

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6 hours ago, thomas4845 said:

just make the image larger, sounds stupid but works

i don't no heck all but i can try and do trail and error to see if i can make it fit


6 hours ago, maliblues said:

I was going to suggest also editing the png files and changing the canvas size to make it bigger. I wouldn't mess with the animations and especially the pivots because the player has so many animations and the backpack must also have been animated for all those animations. So if you made changes to some of those it would then need changing for all to look right

Unfortunately, just editing the size of the pngs causes this:


(the red lines are just for reference)

While it does increase the space I can work with, its shifts the "straps" part of the backpack down to the right, if I were to move it back on the png itself, it wouldn't have space on the left side. 

If I also edit in the new sizes of the pngs into the scml, a similar issue occurs except the part is now inside his head.

With both of those methods, the rest of the cloak parts also disappear completely, though I'm not sure if that's because I'm trying to resize things or a compiler issue.

Edited by bluecube
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I updated the pivots of the modified parts again using the formula for changing image sizes in the extended character template tutorial, and it worked perfectly this time (I probably messed up the first time), but only for the front part.


(as shown by the red lines the size of the png/image was increased successfully I just need to edit it now)


I still have the issue of the rest of the cloak disappearing. I really am not sure whats causing that. D:

Edit: Instead of disappearing all the parts seem to have changed into part 0 in the exact same position. Now I'm extra confused. :T 


Edit 2: It turns out Krane from KTools doesn't decompile animations and such correctly so the resulting scml was messed up. This might be whats causing some of the problems. I'm not sure how to get the .tex into separate pngs without it though, so I'm kinda stuck.

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8 hours ago, thomas4845 said:

if you can send me the whole file i can change it so it fits, i can't describe how i can do it cus it's complicated,

sorry if it sounds sketchy and i understand if you don't want to 

I'd appreciate it a lot if you'd be able to help. ^^ 

Here's the anim folder and a png sheet if you just want to edit that, let me know if you need any other files tho.

All the parts colored grey are the strap pieces, if possible I need extra room for all of those. 


Edited by bluecube
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