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Requesting help for pineapple tree mod!

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Hi, My goal here is to make a pineapple tree, I found a mod that adds apple trees so my plan is to just edit it to be a pineapple tree instead, however im running into an issue with a file format. the code seems to call on an animation folder that is populated with some .tex files and some bins. As I am not an art person I really have no clue how to go about editing/generating these tex files. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! 

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I'm also no "art person", so my workaround was to not change the filename of the animations.zip. if you change their name it wont work (because inside of it there are the old names somewhere somehow.
If this does not help, I also have no clue :D

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I would tackle this issue by decompiling their "anim" file using krane from ktools to provide you with a spriter project.

The spriter project comes with 1) the animation file (that can be opened and edited in spriter) and 2) the set of images that this mod uses in png format.

For a retexture you can just edit the png images in those folders. Don't rename these (as that spriter animation file looks for those named files).

Just for your own knowledge, the name of the spriter animation file is the name the code refers to as the "build". If you ever view the animation inside spriter there is also an entity name you provide and the code refers to that as the "bank". So to keep it easy for yourself and to not have to edit the code too much don't rename things.

Now for the structure of your own mod folder. The spriter project goes in a folder called exported that sits inside your mod folder. When the game starts up it will compile this spriter project and create your anim file that gets put into the anim folder. So basicailly, you can delete the anim files inside the anim folder because the files inside exported get compiled by the game start up and put inside anim folder again. This is handy as you will make changes to the images inside exported so you would want the updated anim.

When you are done with the mod you can delete this entire exported folder because you have the compiled anim file inside the anim folder that has all the things needed and keeps file size down this way.

This is just me explaining from my own understanding of things so if anyone doesn't agree feel free to correct :D

Also, if you link the apple tree mod I can try to decompile the anim file for you.

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been a bit busy with real life stuff sorry for the delay. This is very useful information Maliblues thanks so much. I'll try my hand at it myself and if I cant figure it out ill let ya know. its the apple tree from the more fruits mod. But I think with the info you just gave me I should be able to figure it out. I just had no clue how these files were created or how i could decompile them or anything. never seen em before haha. anyways thanks again! wish me luck :)

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