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[Mod Request] Temperature filtered compactor options

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There is an issue with storing hot, cold materials now. There is no reason this has to be this micro intensive. If compactors had "filter" options like min-max temperature that would solve some problems.


- currently a dupe if stands nearby to a compactor that accepts igneus rock, and finds a task to haul 1000C igneus rock, he will store it where he stands, not where he finds the 1000C igneus rock, travelling through the asteroid 2 times and repeating forever. If I had option I would set the oil biome compactors to accept 80+C stuff and other compactors to <80C, breaking this cycle of idiotic dupe behaviour.

- if you run out of compactor space your hot material wouldnt be sent to compactors near your farms etc.

- cold granite from ice biomes could be utilized without flaw to cool stuff down.

- hot rocks could be fed to hatches that are ranched at a different location (with atmo suited ranchers)

- hot enough rocks could be automatically added to conveyors leading to steam turbine rooms

- hot / cold mafic rocks and regolith could be used differently, avoiding refeeding a heat exchange system with already used materials. 


If any of the modders could take this issue up that would be fantastic :)

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