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Get all tiles of same type that are adjacent

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I have tile and its position and I would like to get the count of any and all adjacent tiles to it and its neighbors that are of the same type.

I know how to get a tile at a position and check its type but I don't even know where to start on getting its adjacent and adjacent to its adjacent.. tiles

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Isn't it just going to be:

  1. xPos + 1, zPos - 1
  2. xPos + 1, zPos
  3. xPos + 1, zPos + 1
  4. xPos, zPos - 1
  5. xPos, zPos + 1
  6. xPos - 1, zPos - 1
  7. xPos - 1, zPos
  8. xPos - 1, zPos + 1

...and then work from there?

Edited by Ultroman
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I know how to get the tile under the world position, but am not sure about converting world position to tile position since I don't know the tile size or how either coord set works much

Edited by Dcrew
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Yeah, for all these you'll have to test it out. Per frame you can register the tiles you're on. Is there no way to get the position of a tile, instead of getting a tile from a position? Have you checked out the tile class, whatever and wherever it is?

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Well I get the position randomly, I have this in my script:

local min_x, max_x
local min_z, max_z

Then in my prepare/initialize function I have this to get the min/max coords:

local w, h = 0, 0
if not min_x or not max_x or not min_z or not max_z then
	min_x, min_z = 0, 0
	max_x, max_z = 0, 0
	local find_min = function()
		for x = -1024, -256 do
			for z = -1024, -256 do
				local tile = TheWorld.Map:GetTileAtPoint(x, 0, z)
				if tile ~= GROUND.IMPASSABLE and tile < GROUND.UNDERGROUND then
					if x < min_x then
						min_x = x
					if z < min_z then
						min_z = z
	local find_max = function()
		for x = 1024, 256, -1 do
			for z = 1024, 256, -1 do
				local tile = TheWorld.Map:GetTileAtPoint(x, 0, z)
				if tile ~= GROUND.IMPASSABLE and tile < GROUND.UNDERGROUND then
					if x > max_x then
						max_x = x
					if z > max_z then
						max_z = z
	w, h = max_x + -min_x, max_z + -min_z
	print("   ...World (generated): w: "..w..", h: "..h..", x: "..min_x.." to "..max_x..", y: "..min_z.." to "..max_z)

Then I use this to get a random position in the world:

local point = Vector3(math.random(min_x, max_x), 0, math.random(min_z, max_z))
local tile = TheWorld.Map:GetTileAtPoint(point:Get())

So I need to somehow convert that point to the tile position so I can get the adjacent matching tiles but I have no idea how to convert my random point to its tile coords. Heck I don't even know if what I am doing is right/good but it seems to work.

I need the position random because I am spawning prefabs randomly throughout the world, but one of the prefabs I am spawning I don't want to spawn unless there's x amount of a specific tile touching the tile I've chosen, which leads back to the original question of this thread

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Would this be good? I made it up right now but I'm not fluent in Lua so I'm not sure if it will work:

local function TilesAdjacentTo(tile_x, tile_y, tile_type, search_depth)
	local count = 0
	local searched = {}
	local function deep_search(x, y)
		if not searched[x] then
			searched[x] = {}
		elseif searched[x][y] then
		searched[x][y] = true
		if TheWorld.Map:GetTile(x, y) == tile_type then
			count = count + 1
			if count < search_depth then
				deep_search(x - 1, y - 1)
				deep_search(x - 1, y)
				deep_search(x - 1, y + 1)
				deep_search(x, y - 1)
				deep_search(x, y + 1)
				deep_search(x + 1, y - 1)
				deep_search(x + 1, y)
				deep_search(x + 1, y + 1)
	deep_search(tile_x, tile_y)
	return count


Edited by Dcrew
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