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Scripts for Klei Tools

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So far I have made not fully finished one of two scrips, another one I will be done some time later.

For windows only. Klei-.rar

I put it here for you to use/test it, and to improve it; if you know what can be done better.


First scirpt is Decompile.bat that is opened by DECOMPILE.vbs.

It change tex files into png files and animations files to scml file and png files via krane and ktech.

What is new about this? This script can do it from clipboard.


How it works:


1. Script check if animation animation files or tex files or animaion files in zip are present in IMPORT\Temp.

If so, it convert them to IMPORT\Spriter or IMPORT\Texture.

2. Script check if folder or file is in clipboard.

A. If folder, script check if animation animation files or tex files are present in it.

If so, it convert them to IMPORT\Spriter or IMPORT\Texture.

B. If file, script check if it is animation in zip or tex.

If so, it convert this file to IMPORT\Spriter or IMPORT\Texture.


Other function:

Script do backups if previous textures or aniamtions are present.

Script do detailed logs.

When script finishes, sends a message if succeeded or not.

If succeed, you can open output folder from message.

If failed, you can open log file from message.
P.S IMPORT\Temp is almost always cleared after running, so don't put original files there.

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