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GetWorldPosition returns 0

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Hi! I'm new in this of modding. Right now I'm trying to do something very simple but still, I get stuck.I have this code:

function SpawnCreature(inst)

	local beefalo = GLOBAL.SpawnPrefab("beefalo")


This function tries to spawn a Beefalo at the player's position. Now the problem, until I now inst is the player, but GetWorldPosition() always return 0,0,0.


This is what is print in the client_log.txt:

[00:00:25]: 0    0    0    
[00:00:25]: 0    0    0    
[00:00:25]: 114161 - beefalo    
[00:00:25]: 40    0    236.47999572754    
[00:00:25]: Spawning player at: [Load] (33.78, 0.00, 249.78)    


I'm able to spawn the beefalo if I set the position with the Transform:SetPosition, but I can't get the position of the player correctly. Also, If I try to get the position of the beefalo before I set it manually, it shows me 0,0,0 too. What am I doing wrong?


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2 hours ago, Fuzzy_Waffle said:

What input are you feeding your function when you run it? Try adding another print line in your code to see what it thinks inst actually is just prior to the GetWorldPosition().

Thanks for replying, I added a new print line (This is all the code that I have in my modmain.lua):

--[NEW] This function spawns a 'Beefalo' at the player's position.  The player parameter is a reference to the player in game.

function SpawnCreature(inst)

	print(inst) -- New Line Added
	local beefalo = GLOBAL.SpawnPrefab("beefalo")



The input of the function, SpawnCreature, is supposed to be the player. This is from modutil.lua from the code of the game:


	-- An illustrative example of how to use a global prefab post init, in this case, we're making a player prefab post init.
	env.AddPlayerPostInit = function(fn)
		env.AddPrefabPostInitAny( function(inst)
			if inst and inst:HasTag("player") then fn(inst) end

And this is the function that I'm using for spawn the beefalo after a player spawn.

This is the output in client_log.txt with the new line:

[00:01:24]: 114101 - webber	
[00:01:24]: 0	0	0	
[00:01:24]: 0	0	0	
[00:01:24]: 114104 - beefalo	
[00:01:24]: 40	0	236.47999572754	
[00:01:24]: Spawning player at: [Load] (33.78, 0.00, 249.78)	

When I print inst, it really contains the player that I'm using. In this case, Webber. I also print all the values of the inst table and the Transform value is there, but I can't print it because it says that is a userdata value and gives me an error.

Edited by Bjvb09
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I believe this is because while the server is being set up, during which the mods are being loaded, everything is spawned at position 0,0,0, and is then finally moved when everything is done loading or during the first frame or something like that. I know that whatever thing you spawn is always spawned at 0,0,0, and then you have to manually set the position on the Transform, like you're doing.

All you need to do, really, is delay the spawning of the beefalo until the player has a position, which will be on the first frame:

function SpawnCreature(inst)
	inst:DoTaskInTime(0, function(inst)
		local beefalo = GLOBAL.SpawnPrefab("beefalo")


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