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Duplicant stats/traits/interests

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I've been getting a little annoyed with the current dupe selection system as well as a few things about what stats do as well as what people look for in good/optimal duplicants. QOL MK 3 made interests more important which I'm glad for but its kind of annoying that now you have to focus hard on them if you want your duplicants to be able to do their jobs effectively. I know there are mods and the save file editor but I really feel like you shouldn't have to "cheat" in order to at least try to play to whatever your strategy is. I say "cheat" but I really only mean that in the sense that your going around the way the game was made just to make it easier. I don't care if you do this and I myself am currently using several mods, one of which gives dupes 3 interests at all times so I don't have to constantly reroll. I would however prefer to avoid the save file editor but I am getting frustrated enough with this system I am honestly considering it but I feel like if I do use it then whats the point of playing if I can just spam duplicants with whatever traits and stats I want.

These are the main points I want to change.

  1. Duplicants should never not have an interest. Its very annoying and honestly I feel like the minimum should be 2 but I could deal with them just never having 0 interests.
  2. Duplicants with traits such as mole hands should have the related interest (for this example digging). If you want a digging specialist you pretty much want a mole hands because later in the the game that +3 goes over the cap of 20 to 23, and if hes going to spend all of his time digging you want him to be interested in digging for skill points. The same can be said for most of the other +3 stat traits.
  3. Kindness stat and ranching stat should just be mixed together at this point. Kindness is very generic and ranching as a job is just caring for animals. No one really uses the kindness stat at all or the caring trait. I feel like this could hit two birds with one stone, make kindness a stat we don't ignore, and cut down on how many stats are getting the duplicants skill points at generation.
  4. Duplicants should start with 2 negative and two positive traits minimum. I really think this would help to make duplicants more interesting. At the same time it would make it harder to just ignore certain traits. I feel like negative traits for the most part are simple enough to work around but for the most part its a matter of why bother when I can either reroll or just pick another duplicant without this trait. I've asked about mods for this but most people say they can't get it to work. This will also build into a few other of my suggestions.
  5. Make it so the neural vacillator removes a random negative trait or all negative traits. This would give you an out if you have a duplicant with some more severe negative traits you don't like. Obviously if people want flatulence as a trait then they should make the vacillator ignore this trait or have a setting in the custom settings.
  6. Add more traits into the game. There are so many simple ones that just haven't  been added and it makes 0 sense to me why they haven't. Green Thumb - +3 farming. Constructive - +3 building. Allergies could be separated into plant based and animal based allergens or even including a food allergen. If they reworked the lighting system you could add Nyctophobia (fear of the dark). Zoophobia (fear of animals) the duplicant wouldn't be able to ranch or would just gain a little stress near animals. There is a ton more positive or negative I could mention but this would go on too long.
  7. Maybe make it so you can allocate skill points on starting duplicants. I don't know if this is necessary but could reduce the early game reroll headache. Each duplicant could maybe have about 8 points to allocate around

Any more ideas or criticism is welcome.

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