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New Game: RoG + SW + HAM intercompatibility

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I'm starting a new game. I would like the world to be compatible with all three DLCs and to be eventually able to move between the three DLCs in the late game.
Is this possible? I was doing it between RoG and SW in my previous game using the Seaworthy, I would like to do it again but with all three this time. I know the Skyworthy is a thing, so I guess it should be possible.

When I start a game with RoG it allows me to pick one compatibility DLC, but not both.
When I start a game with SW it allows me to pick HAM but does not ask about RoG
When I start a game as HAM it does not ask for anything.

This is confusing.

What is the best option here? I want to make sure to be able to have both a Skyworthy and a Seaworthy and some way to switch in between, maybe a base in each world, who knows. I would prefer to start with RoG but late game is more important so I'm ok starting with any DLC if it makes a difference.

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What you're describing is absolutely possible. The menu is confusing though and not explained well at all. I'll try to break it down.

The first thing you do is pick where you want to start. In this case, you will select RoG first. Then, the game will ask you which DLC you want it to be compatible with. If you pick just SW, you'll be able to eventually world hop to it but not Hamlet. If you pick Ham though, it will not only let you hop to Hamlet but also make it compatible with SW at the same time. The newest DLC has everything from the previous ones. 

So basically, if you want all the DLC in one slot. Pick RoG first (which is where you want to start), then make it compatible with Ham. Then all the DLC will be under one roof. Find the crashed balloon and hammer it for silly string, and you can build the Skyworthy which is an all-in-one portal which can let you select any DLC you want, you don't even need the skyworthy anymore. Just make sure wherever you start, you say yes to Hamlet compatibility

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Update: So, I did like you said and the game literally crashed on me during the first day while I was walking around in a deciduos tree biome. I guess I will wait for Klei to stabilize the game before playing again. I don't like crashes.

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