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I think Game need "Work Accidents" and some "Small Injuries"

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I think game need a some sort of Work accident mechanic like if a Dublicant using a grinder there should be chance to get a small injury and this chance should be decrese by incresing required skill points and when a dub who have different job like farmer tries to use machine there should be higher chance to get small injury and a small chance to get big injury like a broken arm etc. And this can be applied to common things like walking if there is some puddle on the ground they should be slip and fall for some penalty or for some injury. And if they are walking on non tile block they should be twited ankle chance for soft blocks like sand and dirt , slip and fall on ice and and trip on hard blocks "cos hard blocks can have non smooth parts that u can trip on" and maybe with this thing more cloatings can be added the game like helmets for some protection or better boots with enviromental protection. I think this type of  mechanic can be really cool and force people to use medical stations and cloatings more often.Another thing is failing job mechanic can be added to game "this part can be anoying tho" like a farmer with lower farming skills have a small chance to destroy a plant while harvesting or etc. I didnt think widely about faling jobs part. (sorry for my bad English)



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Most of the time dupes take damage is when you allow them to go near something hot. Dupes walking by a water geyser or near magma. Also there`s a bug (i think) that dupes occasionally take damage when working at the glass forge. It`s almost like a work accident.

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