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HUD needs a lot of improvement

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Since this game is about to be released, I feel compelled to make some suggestions even though I think it's too late to implement them.

In general, there's just too much information on screen. When I want to build stuff, a big chunk of space on the bottom left is blocked of by the build menu while the right side of the screen is blocked off by material list. Perhaps we could have a hotkey to see map only when we want to place buildings?

Building stuff at the edge of the map on the left and right side are a pain in the butt because we can't scroll past the neutronium borders. It's especially bad on the right side because the material list is blocking building placement. Why not surround the sides of the map with magma....like the bottom of the map. Put magma behind neutronium if you want to prevent us from digging it out.

Please enable some kind of mouse scrolling when we move the cursor to the edge of the screen (like in Starcraft). It's kind of inconvenient to hold down the right mouse button to scroll around the map. By the way, it's annoying that scrolling in the "jobs" and "research" tab is not done with the right mouse button. Why is scrolling there done by holding left mouse button? Some consistency would be greatly appreciated.

On a related note, it would be nice to have a minimap so that we can jump around the map quickly. I know we can set hotkeys....but still....minimap is more useful. Warnings and events can be displayed on the minimap for convenience.

There's too much scrolling required because ONI is trying to show so much info on every item. I have to scroll when i pick building material, egg types to crack/incubate, food to cook, dupes to assign to medbeds, etc. Please give us a button to hide info so that only the icons of whatever appear, If we need the info, we can click on "show more info". In some menus, there's dead space that could be used for an extra row of icons. In other menus, the icons could be made much smaller so that more icons can fit in the list. Please somehow reduce the scrolling required.

When we hover over a tile with multiple items, a list pops up with details of those items but this list always pops up at the bottom right of the tile, usually cutting off most of the list. If the list is long, why can't it be made to pop up from the top of the screen so that we can see most of the list? Or at least make the list.....scrollable? I know....i just asked for less scrolling....but maybe that's the easiest solution to implement.

Suggestion not related to HUD....is it possible to distinguish between "idle" dupes and "stranded" dupes? I know it's my fault for letting my dupes slack off. Sometimes, I ignore the "idle" warning, thinking my dupes are just slacking off....only to see the "unreachable food" warning at the end of the cycle....so much wasted dupe time. I think if the "unreachable food" warning is replaced with "stranded" or something like that, it would be more helpful to us negligent dupe slavemasters.

Keep up the good work and thanks for listening.


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On 3/19/2019 at 1:44 PM, hho1 said:

Building stuff at the edge of the map on the left and right side are a pain in the butt because we can't scroll past the neutronium borders. It's especially bad on the right side because the material list is blocking building placement.

Allowing the edge of the map to come to the center of the screen would be a very easy fix in my opinion; and a huge improvement to QoL!

This and the auto-scrolling to the left of the consumables tab, these are the two QoL annoyances I wish to be changed.

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