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Suggestion: Sterling Trough Deli rework concept.

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Recently, I've noticed in my Hamlet save files that after a certain amount of time I stopped going to the deli completely in favor of other alternatives (Cooking my own food), so I had some initial thoughts on the deli, followed by how I believe they could be "altered" to improve its effectiveness.

What it does: 

The deli consists of multiple crock pot-made meals, readily available to be purchased with each dish spawning in the shop randomly by the shopkeep. The prices for each food dish are as follows: 

  • Ratatoullie- 3 Oincs
  • Monster Lasagna- 2 Oincs
  • Pumpkin Cookie- 3 Oincs
  • Stuffed Eggplant- 4 Oincs
  • Froggle Bunwich- 5 Oincs
  • Honey Nuggets- 5 Oincs
  • Pierogi- 10 Oincs
  • Waffles- 10 Oincs
  • Meatballs- 10 Oincs
  • Turkey Dinner- 10 Oincs
  • Honey Ham- 20 Oincs
  • Dragon Pie- 30 Oincs

As you can see from the prices, some are clearly less expensive than others, this is only a problem save for the fact of the cheaper ones being both less expensive and equally as fulfilling as the more expensive ones. (ie) Two Froggy Bunwich's equate to the same amount of both healing and hunger as a Dragon Pie, albeit being 20 Oincs cheaper. Using that logic, it will never be viable for the player to spend their money on the more expensive dishes; coupled with the fact that the dishes available are random as well, this would easily spell a recipe (hehe) for disaster at later days with a more refurbished base.

What I Propose:

  • Every dish be available at any one time, but will run out of stock after an elapsed amount of purchases on the same item
  • Prices fluctuate every few days for each item, with some going "On Sale" for a cheaper price (For example, one day Rataoullie could be either on par or more expensive than say a Turkey Dinner for that day.)
  • Perhaps even adding a clearance section which consists of stale foods for dirt cheap

What I believe this would do is add some more "meat" (hehe) to the Deli, by encouraging players to buy certain foods instead of others, and more or less, make Delis in general. By having a "Sale" the player would be more obligated to by a 6-Oinc Dragon Pie compared to a 15-Oinc Pumpkin Cookie, whilst also posing a question of value to the player. (ie) "Lush season is really kicking my butt right now, but the Mud Spa doesn't have any green caps available. I guess im gonna have to buy a few pumpkin cookies, sucks that this day it's 12 Oincs though..." Or in the reverse scenario: "Thank god these Pumpkin Cookies are only 2 Oincs today, that really saved my tail." Even with my bad examples, I believe that this in general would encourage the players no matter of how wealthy or what day it is, to consider stopping at the deli instead of just relying on themselves for-well-ever. 

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