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Add transformers to the power line tooltip

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Transformers count as electrical loads for the purposes of power line overloading. At present, they aren't listed in the power line tooltip. A circuit can have 20 large transformers, enough to overload a 20kw Heavi Watt line, and display 0 watts for the maximum power load. This makes it difficult to plan bases which use Heavi Watt wire to transformers for power distribution.

An enhanced feature would be if large transformer inputs only showed as a 2kw load if the other side is connected to a conductive wire rather than a Heavi Watt wire.

Related: Transformers should have white and green ports, like most other objects. This would make this easier to see in the Power overlay, and make clearer exactly how to use them for new players.

Also related: Currently, the power line tooltip shows current power load / maximum power load. It would be nice to see maximum power available from generators in the tooltip as well, so a Heavi Watt line with 2x enhanced Petroleum Generators might show 6kw (generator total) / 5kw (current load) / 16kw (maximum load).

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Agreed, agreed, agreed!

An addition:

When you mouse over a wire in the electrical overlay, you'll see it's load /maximum load info. But if you're in the overlay because you just clicked to build a wire, you won't see it. So sometimes I have to click out of the build tool, select the electrical overlay, check the load, then click to build the wire again.

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