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Trying to create a reskinned version of Wickerbottom?

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Hey everyone! :)

So again I've run into another issue!
My goal for my character mod is to basically have the exact same stats and abilities as Wickerbottom, but with a different skin! 
I've noticed when looking through my character's prefab file, it gives the option to change health/hunger/sanity, but nothing to change in terms of start-up abilities. (science bonus, books tab) 
I found Wickerbottom's prefab file in the [Dont_Starve] folder, and have tried adding her code onto mine with no avail! I get an ipairs error.
Now I'm no coder, so you're probably all revolted at my actions, so I'm sorry! :(

Any help would be appreciated, and will attach all files below (my prefabs, and wickerbottoms)
And if you need anything else I'll upload those as well.

Thank you guys so much!




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[00:00:34]: [string "../mods/TEST/scripts/prefabs/jasmin.lua"]:14: attempt to index field 'eater' (a nil value)

At this point in the initialization, your DS character should have the eater-component, since it is added by the MakePlayerCharacter function's own fn-function, which runs your custom fn-function after it has added all of the standard player character components. Not sure why it doesn't. You must be doing something wrong. Instead of looking at the characters from the game, have you tried downloading another character mod for DS, and checked your code against theirs? I'm not sure you actually need to have that script in your assets-variable. But I've never made characters, so what do I know?

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2 hours ago, Ultroman said:

[00:00:34]: [string "../mods/TEST/scripts/prefabs/jasmin.lua"]:14: attempt to index field 'eater' (a nil value)

At this point in the initialization, your DS character should have the eater-component, since it is added by the MakePlayerCharacter function's own fn-function, which runs your custom fn-function after it has added all of the standard player character components. Not sure why it doesn't. You must be doing something wrong. Instead of looking at the characters from the game, have you tried downloading another character mod for DS, and checked your code against theirs? I'm not sure you actually need to have that script in your assets-variable. But I've never made characters, so what do I know?

That was a fantastic idea, found a few mods that were also uding wixkerbottom's abilities, took it and got it working!
Despite not ever made characters, you found the solution so thank you!! :D

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