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Does the section order in cluster.ini matter??

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Hi everyone! I'm new in this forum. This problem confused me for days until I fixed it just now.

I copied a Cluster directory from a Windows machine and put it on a Linux server. Most things were going well except that it won't pause when nobody is online, though "pause_when_empty" was set true. The cluster.ini file was generated by the Windows machine and not edited:

game_mode = survival
max_players = 6
pvp = false
pause_when_empty = true

lan_only_cluster = false
cluster_intention = social
cluster_password = xxxxx
cluster_description =
cluster_name = xxxxx
offline_cluster = false
cluster_language = en

console_enabled = true

As I observed more into the server logs, I found that the "max_players" option remained 16 as default, which is not what I set. So I guessed it might be the problem of section orders, and I changed it into:

lan_only_cluster = false
cluster_intention = social
cluster_password = xxxxxx
cluster_description =
cluster_name = xxxxxx
offline_cluster = false
cluster_language = en

game_mode = survival
max_players = 6
pvp = false
pause_when_empty = true

console_enabled = true

And it worked. And it is confusing.

  1. For it was generated by DST itself on a Windows machine, I assumed that it works the same way on a Linux dedicated server, which didn't happen;
  2. Since the INI file format itself doesn't require sections to be in specific order, it's you developers who's responsible for clarifying such requirement, which I had never seen or noticed in so much searching and reading in the past days.


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When copying over a text from Windows to Linux it can always happen that Windows has some invisible control symbols in the text, that Linux can't handle/doesn't know what to do with, and therefore doesn't accept the syntax. By copying stuff around inside your Linux machine you might've removed/overwritten those said symbols and therefore fixed your file.

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Linux and Windows use different line-ending schemes. If you copy and paste text from one OS to the other, it actually won't be identical. Some programs will pick up on this and get very confused.

There's some programs that fix this by doing search and replacements in the files. If you don't feel like garbing one of those, then just open the file in a text editor on the target OS, backspace all newline characters, and then retype them.

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