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Out Of Memory!

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"Don't Starve Has Run out of memory and must shutdown" Error


Please Help me, i am on Hamlet, and i can't start the Hamlet world without getting this error, i don't have anything installed on the game, no addons, nothing.


When i run a world in RoG or SW DLC's, it starts up normally! But in Hamlet i get this.

When i tried a Pirate version of Hamlet, it started normally, faster than normal, but the original one don't starts.

There are my PC configs:

2gb RAM

Intel Celeron

Intel HD Graphics.


It is a little bit bad, or a lot bad, but it can run the Don't Starve together and other dlc's of the other one at 60+ fps, except the Hamlet.

ill set my dxdiag.txt here 



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If you're running out of memory, I'd guess your RAM is the problem...

2GB is extremely little for a Win10 PC, that memory is most probably almost completely used by your operating system alone, without any applications running. I'm kind of amazed that this machine is still able to run a somewhat modern game at all.

Hamlet is more demanding for a system than the previous DLCs. I'm sorry, but it might just be the case that this game pushes your machine beyond what it can take. :(

However, I'm pretty sure there's a bunch of guides around for speeding up a Win10 machine. I can't recommend any because I'm not using Windows anymore. But, for example, stopping some programs that are running in the background, like Skype or Cortana, and disabling some of the tracking Windows10 does by default could give your system a little boost. Might be worth a try.



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