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Priority Quick Keys needed

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So this is kind of specific....but I would LOVE not to have assign priorities EVERY time I issue a different command by scrolling to the bottom left or right to find the very small number. I believe it would be SO much quicker (and hopefully easily coded) to have, say, the num lock keypad be the numbers for assigning priority. 


This could work for everything! Like if you hit dig button, and the dig is very important, you would hit the dig button then follow it up with NUM9, and it would automatically start painting dig, but priority 9. 

I believe the regular priority painting tool could work very well this way as well! Like now, I hit "p" then have to click individual levels before painting. But I believe it could be- hit "p", then hit "NUM8" and anything I paint would upgrade in priority to 9.


One other MAJOR place I see this useful- plants that you want high priority to be harvested (the actual planter priority is irrelevant here because that is the will and speed for the dupes to actually fill a planter with seed/fertilizer, etc.)...you have to actually click EVERY plant individually and click the corresponding number. It would be at least a decent upgrade to click the plants in question, then quickly tap, say, "NUM7" to 7- priority the plants quicker!


I figured the easiest way to do this was add another "sub-section" into the Controls settings section. There's already a section for doing new commands like a key to quick start the "copy settings" tool. I think quick assign priority would be 9 buttons to quickly assign (easist for me would be the number pad keys)



Thanks guys!   

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The numeric keypad has two drawbacks: it's far away from the normal position of the left hand and, even worse, not available on many machines (notebooks).

I would prefer if the normal number keys would be used for this, RMB (which is already clearing the cursor) could also escape from the priority select mode (of the number keys).

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