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Another way to move wheezworts or any resource

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I don't know how common this knowledge is but I don't recall it being mentioned before.

From what I've seen on YouTube and Twitch streams people generally move Wheezwort seeds to a preferred location using a compactor and deconstruction method.

There's another way you can move a resource to a location.


Step 1: Set up a compactor on sweep only for whatever resource you want to relocate. In this case a Wheezwort seed.



Step 2: Order a sweep on the resource to get a dupe to come pick it up and return it to that compactor.



Step 3: As the dupe is carrying the resource back to the compactor. Enter a move to command to the location you want it dropped.



Step 4: The dupe will move to the location at which point they will drop their carry load. Seed or any other resource. The sweep instruction is cancelled and the resource will remain there unless you sweep it again.



A few cycles later you have a fresh carrot. Hopefully this information is of use in some situations when you want to move stuff.


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There is a downside in that it doesn't work unless you have at least two tiles to drop it on to.

One natural and one constructed or two naturals.

If you have a single floating natural tile in the air the object will tend to drop to the side and fall down.

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