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Regarding Tick Rate and Survival World Resets

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Regarding Tick Rate, I think we should be given a -tick_rate 120 option and making -tick_rate 60 a default thing, I mean, it seems to solve a lot of lag issues with me and lot of servers and my connection and region is terrible (Venezuela) while all other servers are unplayable, Klei, if you can't do that, can you at least make players more aware of this launch option?

Also, regarding world resets on survivals I thought of this:

Everytime a player spends 20 minutes in the server alive they gain 1 "activity point" which would only be present in the game's code.

Maximum possible activity points that can be held by a player is 12.

If a player has not been in the server for 40 minutes, they loose 1 activity point.

If all players with activity points are dead, the world proceeds to reset like normal.

It is possibly not the best system but I thought of it because I thought some players get annoyed by progressing a lot then have somebody join, suicide and reset the world while nobody else is around.

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