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Detecting an item in Inventory


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Hello dear Helpers

I am trying to get a Character to gain Sanity while being near Players, or having a Rabbit in their Inventory.

I managed to get it to work when a Player is near, but i didn't get the Rabbit to work.

(The Code for the Players are from another Charactermod that we had)


The Code i that i tried to get to work

local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(x, y, z, 10 ,{"player"})
if table.getn(ents) > 2 or ThePlayer.components.inventory:FindItem(function(item) return item.prefab=="item_rabbit" or "item_rabbit_winter" end)
	inst.components.sanity.night_drain_mult = 0
	inst.components.sanity.current = inst.components.sanity.current + 1
	inst.components.sanity.night_drain_mult = 2.5


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The prefab is "rabbit", regardless of season or beardiness. Thus, you can probably use inventory:Has("rabbit",1) instead.

Do not raise sanity directly, use DoDelta() instead. The second or third parameter can be set to "true" to disable the sound and flash on the badge.

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Oh, i actually had rabbit, but i tested it that way too, forgot to change it back before posting.

I should know better than to post something before checking it :?


I had to search up how to correctly use DoDelta, found the awnser in a Post that you replied to.

That did fix the issue of my Friend being insane even if his Sanity is high, so thank you for that :D


My Problem is that it gives me true even if i don't have a Rabbit in my Inventory

I tried to print out the value of ThePlayer.components.inventory

But it gave me a few Letters and numbers witch didn't help me at all.


So no matter what, i'm getting Sanity all the time.

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I laughed as i read that.

Well, thats a great job i did there XD


It is called on the Server, i didn't think about about how logical Theplayer on the Server is.

But replaceing ThePlayer with inst didn't have any effect.


Thank you for the help so far.

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So, i changed the Code a bit  just so the Sanity gain from a nearby Player works somewhat dynamic.


local function PeriodicCheck(inst)
	local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
	local SanityGain = 
	local NightDrain = 2.5
	local i = 1
	while i < 30 do
		if TheSim:FindEntities(x, y, z, i,{"player"}) > 1
			SanityGain = 1 - i / 30
			NightDrain = 0.08 * i
		i = i + 1
	-- if inst.components.inventory:FindItem(function(item) return item.prefab=="rabbit" or "rabbit_winter" end)
		-- then
			-- SanityGain + 0.2
			-- NightDrain - 0.5
	-- end
	-- if NightDrain <  then
		-- NightDrain = 
	-- end
	inst.components.sanity.night_drain_mult = NightDrain
	inst.components.sanity:DoDelta(SanityGain, true)

It gets called in the master_postinit function in a inst:DoPeriodicTask every 0.4 seconds.

just to give more information, i'm sure thats right since the part with the player worked before i changed it to the above, witch should work but we didn't test yet.


The part thats commented out is the Rabbit part that i can't get to work.

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On 1.5.2016 at 7:13 AM, Mobbstar said:

Wait, is this a client-side calculation? It should only happen on the server. And if it's a server-side calculation, you can imagine who ThePlayer is...

Use inst instead of ThePlayer

I'm still not getting ths to work


if inst.components.inventory:FindItems(function(item) return item.prefab=="rabbit" or "rabbit_winter" end)
            SanityGain = SanityGain + 0.2
            NightDrain = NightDrain - 0.5


I searched the Internet and couldn't find anything helpful.

Please help?

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