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Help with Hosting inside SSH

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Hello, so currently my server is hosted through SSH, which the host IP for the SSH is 
My external IP address is (example) and the port I would like to use is 8123.
Currently, my shard settings for the cluster.ini are as followed:

shard_enabled = true
bind_ip =
master_ip =
master_port = 10888
cluster_key = Password

and my server.ini is

server_port = 8123

is_master = true

master_server_port = 27018
authentication_port = 8768

encode_user_path = true

I am able to directly connect to the server using the command c_connect("",8123,"password")

The port seems to bind to the SSH IP instead of the External Server IP.

Hence I am only able to connect to it locally but not from another computer of different network despite the port being opened.

How can I solve this so that the IP will bind to the External Server IP instead?

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Your "SSH" IP is the IP adress of your Server itself (Or to be more specific, the Network card you are using in your server.) in your local network. So everything that somehow connects to your server has to connect to the IP "", if it's already in your local network.

Your external IP is the IP your provider assigned to your router. That's where all the requests over the internet come from. So you probably have to set up some portforwarding. Meaning in your Router you set it up that all requests that come from the internet on the port 8123 get forwarded to the IP "" (to the port 8123) or your server device, depending on what router you have.

Means: Request from the internet asking for your external IP and port 8123-> your router get's the request and translates it to your local IP with port 8123 and sends it to your server -> your server get's the request and accepts the connection.

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