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Pause/Resume Work Priority + Priority Options

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Greetings everyone, there's already a handful of threads that suggests improvements on the Priority Overlay. I figured instead of cluttering other people's threads with my own ideas, I might as well make a separate post since I think it's ultimately different from the other suggestions. Image below encompasses my idea improvements for the Priority Overlay:


My suggestions are as follows:

  • Add "Options" to specifically only change certain items/objects (all, wires, pipes, etc.) that a click OR a click-drag action can alter.
  • Add a "Pause Priority" button to stop or withhold work on (a) certain tile(s) or object(s) (all, wires, pipes, buildings, etc.). Pausing work priority on a tile/object does NOT remove its previously set Priority.
  • Add a "Resume Priority" button to start or continue work on (a) certain tile(s) or object(s) (all, wires, pipes, buildings, etc.). Resuming work priority on a tile/object returns the tile/object to its previously set Priority.

I hope the explanations for the suggestions are clear and their use discernible enough.


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