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If Statements and multiple actions

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I'm trying to create a mod that allows the spear to be throwable. I've managed to do that but now I want to add the ability to decide wether it should throw the Spear or walk up and hit it. I believe this is done threw if statements but Im not sure how id go about doing it. Any insight would be appreciated

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-- in your prefab file somewherelocal function GetWeaponMode(weapon)	local inst = weapon.components.inventoryitem.owner	local max_melee_attack_range = 1	if inst:IsNear(inst.components.combat.target, max_melee_attack_range) then		return weapon.components.weapon.modes["MELEE"]	else		return weapon.components.weapon.modes["RANGE"]	endend-- in your prefab's fn function:        weapon:AddComponent("weapon")        weapon.components.weapon.modes =        {                RANGE = {damage = 1, ranged = true, attackrange = 5, hitrange = 7},                MELEE = {damage = 1, ranged = false, attackrange = 0, hitrange = 1}    	}        weapon.components.weapon.variedmodefn = GetWeaponMode
Edit the weapon.components.weapon.modes table with the values you want and set max_melee_attack_range in GetWeaponMode to what you want.

EDIT: Updated to use the IsNear function because it's more clear/applicable for the situation.

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