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Removing then adding rocket modules (not built yet) crashes

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Pending

The game will crash when adding/removing rocket modules in certain situations

Steps to Reproduce

Pausing isn't actually necessary, but it makes it easier to explain (and execute, if your dupes have nothing better to do immediately).

- Build a rocket platform
- Pause the game

- Add an engine
- Add a nosecone
- Click the engine and add any small module above it with the + button (artifact transport module let's say)

- Un-pause to let the previews for the nosecone and the module below it cease to overlap each other and move into correct positions

- Cancel the module between the engine and nosecone, making a hole in the rocket where that module used to be (module previews do not relocate themselves even if un-paused this whole time)
- click the engine and add a module larger than the one previously removed


Comments to/from a modder who actually knows stuff, if you'd like a more technical diagnosis and my own ignorant few cents: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2837919908&tscn=1701447997

I also tested this a few times with all mods disabled, so the game itself let me report that things got nommed by a black hole :) thx!

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Side note, when we add an engine then a nose cone, if we try to add further modules immediately it will ignore the inputs because the nose cone was the last thing chosen/selected and we can't add modules above that, which is kinda correct enough, but it would be tidy if we could continue to add modules when the nose cone was the last thing put down and still selected. Adding them right below the nose cone I think would be just lovely- perhaps change the + button to "Add below" instead of above when a nose cone is selected?

Not a big deal, just feels weird having a menu with rocket modules up, but none of the functional inputs can work.. like if height isn't sufficient etc. the module will be marked as not buildable (grey button) but it says u can build other modules there with active buttons if it fits, even though that won't ever work because it tries to add above the current (nose cone) module. Sry I use many words, I hope it's clear XD

Just it would flow real nice if we could keep adding modules once a nose cone has been added, without having to first click a different module and re-opening the menu <3

Side-side note, I also noticed when planning a rocket with the simulation paused, adding modules doesn't quite work correctly. When you add engine, then nose cone, then any other module, the added module overlaps the nose cone, but if you add yet another module, even while paused, the game will attempt to move the nose cone upwards as it should have earlier.. It's like code is all there, but it's kinda off by 1 somewhere lol ty for ur considerations

Edited by outseeker
a word

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