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Process bar disappearing and what else happens

  • Branch: Preview Branch Version: Windows Pending

I noticed something weird while playing the testing branch. The process bar of a job randomly disappear. It first happened while playing survival and a dupe started building a thermo regulator without a bar below the building appearing.


Then it seems it's not only building errands and it seems kind of random. In this case dupe couldn't follow the "move to" command while the process bar disappeared as the fabrication errand was in process (the blueprint of the building is irrelevant. It happens on the default building too)




Steps to Reproduce

(Maybe it happens on multiple errands but this is reproducible) Set the fabrication on infinite. Let a dupe start doing it. Move the dupe. Dupe returns. At some point there is no process bar anymore for the fabrication. Try to move the dupe again (it will take several attempts until they actually do it)

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