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[Patch] Starmap cells should be peeked on game update

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Fixed

In the first public build of Spaced Out, when you use a telescope to explore space, the cells around a planetoid are simply revealed one by one. In the latest build, when a cell is revealed, cells around it are peeked (showing whether that cell is empty or not). So, when you load a save from an older build in the latest build, the previously revealed cells have no peeked cells around and there is no way to peek them unless you use a rocket to visit each cell (the telescope just says area complete).

The game should put all starmap cells around revealed ones to peeked state on load, so this discrepancy is fixed.

As this is a minor bug which is unlikely to be fixed quickly, I made a small mod with a patch.

Before fix:


After fix:


Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a world in an older game build.
  2. Save the world.
  3. Build a telescope and explore everything.
  4. Save the world.
  5. Load the world from step 4 in a newer build.
  6. Open the starmap and see that nothing has changed.
  7. Load the world from step 2 in a newer build.
  8. Build a telescope and explore everything.
  9. Open the starmap and see that there are now tiles in peeked state as they should be.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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