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Pacu navigation not updated when additional water is added to pool

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Fixed

I have some Pacu in a pool that are not feeding as expected.

It looks to me like this is because the Pacu are unable to navigate to all points in the pool. I think this is because their navigation isn't properly updated to reflect the water level. The pool is 4 tiles deep, but during the session, the water level dropped to two tiles. When the water level rises again, the Pacu remain unable to navigate to the top two tiles.

This remains broken until the game is reloaded, at which point the navigation is updated to reflect that there are 4 tiles of water.

Steps to Reproduce

Make a 4 tile deep water pool with Pacu in it.
Remove the top two tiles of water.
Add the top two tiles of water back.
The Pacu should now be unable to navigate to the top two tiles of the pool.

Strangely, if a fresh Pacu is added to a pool where the water level has been modified in this way, it will initially show as having full navigation, but once it navigates into the bottom two tiles of the pool, it will become locked to only the bottom two tiles like the others.




User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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