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"Local Colony Lacks Field Research" notification remains after a duplicant with the skill warps in

Lucas Stark
  • Branch: Preview Branch Version: Windows Dupe

I have constructed a telescope in my second colony, where I didn't yet have a researcher with appropriate skill level to use it. The telescope showed me the "Local Colony Lacks Field Research" status. I've warped in a researcher from my first base, but the notification is still visible, even though the researcher is on their way to complete the errand.


In another game I've warped my researcher to my second colony for a few cycles and then warped them back to analyze the geysers, and same thing happens here - the researcher is available, but the object shows "Local Colony Lacks Field Research" status.


Steps to Reproduce

1. Go to a planetoid where you don't have duplicants with specialist skills.

2. Construct a building requiring specialist skills. The building shows the missing skill notification.

3. Use the teleporter to bring in a duplicant with required skill. The notification is still visible.

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