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Duplicant unable to move while holding breath, then game crashing

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Pending

Had a dupe holding breath in CO2 on a ladder. Before starting to suffocate, all pathing options for the dupe were suddenly disabled, making them unable to move, or be moved manually, not a single tile.

Few ticks later, but before dupe's death, game crashed. Afterwards, when trying to bug report in-game, game froze forever (well at least a dozen minutes before manually ending the process) when clicking on the "attach save file ?" button.

All of this happened a few times on this save file. Saving and reloading while it happened fixed the issue every time I encountered it, thus I haven't been able to reproduce it consistently.

Not a pathing restriction/issue on my side, as any other dupe could move from and to the aforementioned dupe's location.

For showcasing, attached save file (cycle 161) is exactly when the dupe (Nisbet) is suffocating and before the crash. As you can see, after loading it, and before unpausing, Nisbet has no pathing options, and I can't issue a manual move command (which I can for other dupes).

Edit : Happened again, 14 cycles later. Almost exactly the same situation. Same dupe, same region of the oily planetoïd. Same task (digging). Main differences are that game didn't crash, and Nisbet hovered above ground (most probably hovered over the tile they just dug up) before dying. With this new iteration, I'm almost 100% sure both cases developed here were when I was focused on another planetoïd (might be relevant ?). Newest save file right at the moment is attached.

Also, weird thing : my output_log.txt doesn't seem to contain anything from the DLC Alpha, but I might be -and hope I am- wrong.

Let me know if I can provide anything else that can be helpful.

The Cool Spacerock.sav

The Cool Spacerock_edit_cy175.sav

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce : unknown (sorry !)

What I was doing when it happened :

- random building/digging, multitasking two colonies, nothing weird, just basic ONI stuff.

- nothing specifically relevant to that dupe or the tasks they were doing (dig/build commands they were currently doing were issued several cycles earlier and had been left unmodified and unchecked since).

- It happened every time on background, thus I realized it thanks to the "suffocating" warning. That means I never was focused on the bugged dupe at the time of the bug.

Attached save file is 2-3 min (half a cycle or so) before the crash and the other save file provided. Tried to reproduce it several times (including trying to reproduce exactly what I did during those few minutes, which is quite the brain exercise), nothing happened.

The Cool Spacerock Cycle 161.sav

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