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Crash: Deconstructing Warp Pipe Output's Conveyer Chute

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Pending

EDIT: It seems just deconstructing the rails or the chute can cause the crash. Nothing needs to be going through. 

I was deconstructing a conveyer chute that comes built in with every Warp Pipe Output (and it had ice going through the rails just as it finished deconstructing), and my client crashed.

I have attached Player.log instead of client_log.txt, since client_log.txt hasn't been modified in over a week.

Here's a video, in case it helps: 

Stack Trace: 


NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

WarpConduitReceiver.CanTransferFromSender () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/SimGame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/Buildings/WarpConduitReceiver.cs:208)
WarpConduitReceiver+States.<InitializeStates>b__3_4 (WarpConduitReceiver+StatesInstance smi, System.Single dt) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/SimGame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/Buildings/WarpConduitReceiver.cs:161)
BucketUpdater`1[DataType].Update (DataType data, System.Single dt) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/SimGame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/StateMachineUpdater.cs:96)
UpdateBucketWithUpdater`1[DataType].Update (System.Single dt) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/SimGame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/StateMachineUpdater.cs:79)
StateMachineUpdater+BucketGroup.AdvanceOneSubTick (System.Single dt) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/SimGame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/StateMachineUpdater.cs:152)
StateMachineUpdater.AdvanceOneSimSubTick () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/SimGame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/StateMachineUpdater.cs:244)
Game.SimEveryTick (System.Single dt) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/SimGame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/Game.cs:1368)
Game.Update () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/SimGame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/Game.cs:1344)

Picture of Crash:



My Save: 


Steps to Reproduce

EDIT: It seems just deconstructing the rails or the chute can cause the crash. Nothing needs to be going through. 

1. Have ice going through the the conveyer rails that come from a Warp Pipe Output

2. Deconstruct the Conveyer Chute that comes with it

3. Ice should be just about to reach the Chute

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