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Odd Hatch Egg crash...

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Pending

A bit of a weird crash...  In my hatch farm, I'd just culled all the regular hatches to make room for my new Stone Hatches.  There was a regular hatch egg in the pen, but it was slightly off center; which is weird, considering the eggs are only 1 tile in height and width.  Before the egg was laid, I'd already told my dupes to move some of the eggs into the pen (as it was now empty, except the 1 egg).  Without really paying much attention, two of the eggs I told them to move somehow overlapped the derpy egg.  When the derpy egg eventually hatched, my game crashed.  The crash error said something like "Cannot hatch an egg while it is being destroyed".  :ambivalence:

Screenshot 2023-09-19 125852.png

Steps to Reproduce

Not sure how, as the "derpy" egg was simply laid by a hatch; though if the egg is somehow "off center" (even though it only takes up 1 tile), move an egg or two on top of it.  [ Note:  The two moved eggs will be overlapped on their right and left respective sides, with the derpy egg somehow in the middle of the two ]

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