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Infinite stats through job reassignment

Dr Imp
  • Branch: Preview Branch Version: Windows Fixed

On logging to the updated jobs build (hotfix 253538), noticed that jobs now apply a permanent bonus to dupe attributes (e.g., +2 for each level of architect mastered); however, only the bonus from the current level is applied. Dupes can be assigned back to lower levels of a job, retain their mastery level (i.e., 100%), earn their stat bonus, then be assigned back up to the higher level, for which they also retain their mastery level (i.e., 100 %), and hence receive the mastery bonus. Steps can be repeated any number of times.

Found by taking my Architect (at 100% mastery, had a base construction of 3, + 2 for mastering Architect), and assigning to Apprentice Architect. Dupe dropped back to Apprentice Architect at 100 % mastery, and received +2 build (for a total of 7 construction). Reassigned back up to Architect, retained 100 % mastery, and was awarded another +2 construction (for a total of 9 construction).

What I wanted was the bonus for having mastered previous tiers and jobs. Suggest that the mastery bonus is attached to the record of % mastery. I don't want to miss out on the stat bonuses from previous tiers, but don't want OP dupes...

Steps to Reproduce
Take a dupe with a second tier job at 100 % mastery, reassign to the first tier of the same job, then to the second tier of that job, then back to the first tier ... ad infinitum. Dupe receives the mastery bonus permanently on each reassignment.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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