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Gas pumps are not effective

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Gas pumps are not effective and only pump in one tile worth of gas even though it is surrounded but a lot of hydrogen. As a result there is a massive hydrogen build up.


Steps to Reproduce
excess of hydrogen from using elctrolysis to make oxygen made a hydrogen generator connected to a gas pump to use up excess hydrogen but did not work. generator wouldnt produce power and pump wouldnt constantly pump. then i tried to connect multiple pumps to generator and that still had no effect

User Feedback

Gas pumps work just fine. Its a problem with your athmospheric pressure, which is closer to a vaccum than "a lot of hydrogen". Gas density should be somewhere around 500-1000g of gas per tile where gas pumps are and your dupes live, thats 20-40 times more than the 25g u have on one tile! So one pump in a healthy athmosphere will pump a lot more than 5 pumps in almost vacuum.

Looks like you are doing way too much digging and produce way too less oxygen! Also use airlocks to limit the space where gases can go, if its spreads out everywhere u end up like this... pretty much screwed :D

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