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Eggs begin incubating after a shipping bridge

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Fixed

When eggs are swept with an autosweeper and begin on rails, they do not incubate. When they go over a rail bridge however, they begin to. This means technically, you can hatch eggs by putting in a loop of rail bridges.

I won't complain that it can be done, but it seems like this isn't intended experience so I'm reporting it.

Steps to Reproduce
1.) Put down autosweeper, with conveyor loader in range. Set the loader to sweeper critter eggs. 2.) Put a rail going for a few tiles from the loader, then a rail bridge. run more rails from the bridge. Either make it end, or make it loop back into itself. 3.) spawn an egg beneath the autosweeper. 4.) Observe that the autosweeper sweeps and deposits the egg, and it loses viability until it reaches the bridge, at which point it begins incubating instead.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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