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Duplicants not passing at 0% stamina when they're supposed to

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Steam Pending

For some reason, you can make a duplicant work forever without the need for sleep. They're supposed to pass out a 0% stamina or lie down on the floor and sleep at night, but for some reason it isn't happening. It is surprisingly easy to do - just prevent the dupe from accessing the bed. The dupe will sleep on the floor at night. After waking up, the stamina will keep on draining. And when it reaches 0, the dupe doesn't pass out due to exhaustion or even sleep on the floor at night. You can make a dupe work all day, all night, forever and ever without the need for rest this way. Not only that, there are no negative consequences to this. No stress increase, no reduced stats, no nothing.


Fanfiction: Out of my (currently) 25 dupes, Max is the best of them all. He is the only one that experienced being really sick. He's always bullied, abused and misused by his fellow dupes, forcing him move to a faraway location where he built his dream home away from everyone else. Because he's constantly bullied and forced to do everyone's dirty work until he moved away, he survives and thrives in the worst situations, happily smiling even when the odds are against him. Look at the little runt happily cleaning up Abyssalite under abysmal working conditions while having ZERO energy!


Steps to Reproduce
1 - Prevent a dupe from reaching the bed. The dupe will lie down on the ground at night. 2 - On the next day, the stamina will continue to decrease to 0% and it will stay that way. The dupe will not pass out or even sleep at the floor at night. He/she'll just keep on going on and on forever and ever without any additional negative consequences.

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