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Duplicants catching breath

  • Branch: Live Branch Pending

Dupes seem to just forget what they're doing if they need to catch their breath this becomes an issue if you're doing tasks far away from base. I frequently see dupes that have to cross a section filled with co2 or hydrogen get 3/4th of the way thru, switch to Catching breath status, run to the side they were headed to anyways, catch breath, then immediately choose a different task instead of just completing the one that they're now standing next to and were originally heading to do anyways. Dupes should remember what task they were doing if they need to catch breath and first check to see if they're closer to this task than before, and then only pick a new task if the old one is not completable


Steps to Reproduce
order dupes to complete task in sections on opposite side of areas with unbreathable gases
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