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Dupes steal food from chef

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Pending

It took me a second to realize this, but my dupes are stealing food from the chef's hands.  Now, I am basically starving my dupes currently, but here's what I understand to have happened.

Farmers drop three shrooms.  I notice we have 7,200 kcal suddenly available.  I queue up 3 fried shrooms and send my chef to work.  Then I lose track of things for a moment.  When I return to the chef, he has randomly stopped cooking and is idling without an idle indicator at the grill.  I poke at it for a moment, realize that we've eaten all the other shrooms, and wonder...  I release the queue'd fried shroom.  Off he bolts!   ... and there ain't a mushroom to be found.  Two of my dupes were currently gnoshing away on what the cook was in the middle of cooking.

Steps to Reproduce
Starve dupes, have raw edible available for chef. Have chef begin cooking while another dupe comes by and steals the food.

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