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Compost Fertilizer output won't stack

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Pending

Pretty simple.  Since Occupational Update, the Fertilizer produced from the Compost will not stack together into a single pile.  Instead, you get a huge pile of individual 10 kg chunks all sitting separately on the same tile.


I used the Sweep tool on this, and it took 3 Dupes almost a full minute to clear all the little individual bits.  They'd still pick up multiple bits up to their carry capacity as normal.  But the multiple bits should have combined into a single large pile which the Dupes would then pick up as much as they can carry in a single attempt, instead of each individual 10 kg chuck one at a time.

Steps to Reproduce
Build a Compost and let it convert Polluted Dirt into Fertilizer a few times. Notice that there is not a single blob of Fertilizer, but instead several, one for each production cycle of the Compost.

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