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Crash while attacked by eye thing on swamps

  • Version: PC/MAC/Linux Pending

I got crash (not the first one today) on the swamps while attacked by the eye frog in SW. I had some ballpin fllower I guess.

Reset() returning
QueryServerComplete no callback
scripts/components/volcanomanager.lua(152,1) VolcanoManager stop    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) mussel    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
scripts/prefabs/trawlnet.lua(326,1) bioluminescence    
QueryServerComplete no callback
scripts/components/resurrector.lua(42,1) Resurrector:OnSave    100202 - resurrectionstone    used:false    active:false    
scripts/saveindex.lua(586,1) DeregisterResurrector    
scripts/saveindex.lua(602,1) DeregisterResurrector    
scripts/components/resurrector.lua(42,1) Resurrector:OnSave    100203 - resurrectionstone    used:false    active:true    
scripts/components/resurrector.lua(44,1) Saving resurrector    100203 - resurrectionstone    
scripts/saveindex.lua(570,1) RegisterResurrector    100203 - resurrectionstone    
scripts/saveindex.lua(575,1) RegisterResurrector CB    
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(565,1) Can't find    100021    100021 - wilson    
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(597,1) Saved    shipwrecked_1    
scripts/widgets/recipepopup.lua(192,1) TESTING    SCIENCEMACHINE    
scripts/widgets/recipepopup.lua(192,1) TESTING    SCIENCEMACHINE    
QueryServerComplete no callback
QueryServerComplete no callback
QueryServerComplete no callback
QueryServerComplete no callback
scripts/components/resurrector.lua(42,1) Resurrector:OnSave    100202 - resurrectionstone    used:false    active:false    
scripts/saveindex.lua(586,1) DeregisterResurrector    
scripts/saveindex.lua(602,1) DeregisterResurrector    
scripts/components/resurrector.lua(42,1) Resurrector:OnSave    100203 - resurrectionstone    used:false    active:true    
scripts/components/resurrector.lua(44,1) Saving resurrector    100203 - resurrectionstone    
scripts/saveindex.lua(570,1) RegisterResurrector    100203 - resurrectionstone    
scripts/saveindex.lua(575,1) RegisterResurrector CB    
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(565,1) Can't find    100021    100021 - wilson    
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(597,1) Saved    shipwrecked_1    
scripts/components/inventory.lua(409,1) dropped    boat_lantern    
scripts/components/seasonmanager_sw.lua(2339,1) WET SEASON    
QueryServerComplete no callback
scripts/components/resurrector.lua(42,1) Resurrector:OnSave    100202 - resurrectionstone    used:false    active:false    
scripts/saveindex.lua(586,1) DeregisterResurrector    
scripts/saveindex.lua(602,1) DeregisterResurrector    
scripts/components/resurrector.lua(42,1) Resurrector:OnSave    100203 - resurrectionstone    used:false    active:true    
scripts/components/resurrector.lua(44,1) Saving resurrector    100203 - resurrectionstone    
scripts/saveindex.lua(570,1) RegisterResurrector    100203 - resurrectionstone    
scripts/saveindex.lua(575,1) RegisterResurrector CB    
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(565,1) Can't find    100021    100021 - wilson    
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(597,1) Saved    shipwrecked_1    
scripts/components/inventory.lua(409,1) dropped    limpets    
FMOD Error: Can't find named sound idle
scripts/components/dynamicmusic.lua(28,1) start music    
Stale Component Reference: GUID 108293, @D:/Gry/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/entityscript.lua:912
Stale Component Reference: GUID 108293, @D:/Gry/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/behaviours/follow.lua:27
...pps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/entityscript.lua:915: Something is wrong: self.Transform:GetWorldPosition() stale component reference?
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=[C]:-1 in (global) assert (C) <-1--1>
D:/Gry/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/entityscript.lua:915 in (method) GetDistanceSqToInst (Lua) <911-919>
   self (valid:false) =
      GUID = 108293
      Transform = Transform (4DE4CC70)
      inlimbo = false
      brain = --brain--
sleep time: 0.00
Priority - RUNNING <RUNNING> (execute 7, eval in -117.08)>0.00
   >Parallel - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >Hiding - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >StandStill - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >Parallel - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >Not a ballphinfriend - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >ChaseAndAttack - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >Parallel - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >a ballphinfriend - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >ChaseAndAttack - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >ChattyNode - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >DoAction - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >Parallel - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >IsAfraid - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >Priority - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >   >ChattyNode - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >   >   >FindLight - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >   >ChattyNode - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >   >   >Panic - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >Parallel - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >IsNight - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >Priority - READY <READY> ()>0.00
   >   >   >ChattyNode - READY <READY> [**truncated**]
      retired = true
      entity = Entity (4DE4CC58)
      AnimState = AnimState (4DE4CC88)
      prefab = ballphin
      updatecomponents = table: 51CE4050
      no_wet_prefix = true
      Physics = Physics (4DE4CCD0)
      children = table: 503AE6D0
      brainfn = table: 0FDD7650
      SoundEmitter = SoundEmitter (4DE4CCB8)
      LightWatcher = LightWatcher (4DE4CCE8)
      name = Brian
      sg = sg="ballphin", state="death", time=120.03, tags = "busy,"
      spawntime = 0
      portnearleader = function - @D:/Gry/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/components/follower.lua:49
      persists = false
      components = table: 514F8308
      age = 0
   inst = 113647 - flup (valid:true)
   p1x = nil
   p1y = nil
   p1z = nil
   p2x = -983.109375
   p2y = 0
   p2z = -128.14743041992
D:/Gry/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/prefabs/ballphin.lua:60 in (field) keeptargetfn (Lua) <56-62>
   inst = 108293 - ballphin (valid:false)
   target = 113647 - flup (valid:true)
D:/Gry/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/components/combat.lua:226 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <215-233>
   self =
      hiteffectsymbol = marker
      attackrange = 3
      keeptargetfn = function - @D:/Gry/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/prefabs/ballphin.lua:56
      attack_damage_modifiers = table: 514F8BF0
      forcefacing = true
      canattack = true
      inst = 108293 - ballphin (valid:false)
      retargetperiod = 3
      hitrange = 3
      target = 113647 - flup (valid:true)
      lastattacker = 108444 - ballphin (valid:true)
      keeptargettimeout = 1
      nextbattlecrytime = 1567.4450849526
      lastdoattacktime = 1562.2334148102
      laststartattacktime = 1561.700081449
      retargettask = PERIODIC 108293: 3.000000
      hurtsound = dontstarve_DLC002/creatures/balphin/hit
      targetfn = function - @D:/Gry/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/prefabs/ballphin.lua:47
      defaultdamage = 25
      attack_period_modifiers = table: 514F8BC8
      battlecryenabled = true
      min_attack_period = 3
      playerdamagepercent = 1
   dt = 0.033333335071802
D:/Gry/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/update.lua:157 in () ? (Lua) <90-191>
   dt = 0.033333335071802
   tick = 50475
   k = 108293
   ent = 108293 - ballphin (valid:false)
   prefab = ballphin
   cmp = table: 514F8BA0
   name = combat

scripts/mainfunctions.lua(861,1) LUA ERROR stack traceback:
scripts/mainfunctions.lua(862,1) ...pps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/entityscript.lua:915: Something is wrong: self.Transform:GetWorldPosition() stale component reference?
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
    =[C]:-1 in (global) assert (C) <-1--1>
    D:/Gry/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/entityscript.lua:915 in (method) GetDistanceSqToInst (Lua) <911-919>
    D:/Gry/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/prefabs/ballphin.lua:60 in (field) keeptargetfn (Lua) <56-62>
    D:/Gry/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/components/combat.lua:226 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <215-233>
    D:/Gry/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/update.lua:157 in () ? (Lua) <90-191>
scripts/frontend.lua(723,1) SCRIPT ERROR! Showing error screen    
HttpClientWriteCallback (0x01C449D2, 1, 133, 0x0694FBE8)
HttpClientWriteCallback READ 133 (133 total)
QueryServerComplete no callback
Force aborting...

Anyway the older the world gets the more often its crashing with wierd error messages like the one above or cause out of memory (occured on coral reef with lots of tropical fish spots), or just crashing randomly without any error message whatsoever. Sea creatures like sharks spwans and then they are on the land after reloading the game, or they just ignore the sea/land whatsoever and move whenever they want, I get poisoned by crocodile attack while i'm on a boat and so on.

Steps to Reproduce
Not sure, I got one ballpin follower then attacked other ballpin, run away to land and some eye frog attacked me on the swamp biome and the game crashed.

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